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Development Stages Of Children

Inequality in Early Childhood Matters

Children from homes with educated parents are more likely to have adequate ”well-child” check-ups, exercise and healthy eating habits in their earliest years.

These children are also likely to attend better pre schools and this all occurs 
during the first four years of their lives which is the most critical period for children’s development.


This article explains more       ...                continue reading

Necessities endorsed by UNICEF, WHO, and numerous NGOs defined as basic to children growth:


  • a healthy mother who receives herself adequate food, antenatal care and attention to her needs during pregnancy

  • a safe delivery, with proper obstetric care and back-up

  • immediate and exclusive breast-feeding, for intensive mother-child interaction, bonding, and the timely introduction of regular feeding

  • timely and appropriate preventive and basic health care

  • proper nutrition and micro nutrients

  • caring interaction with family and other adults, including age-appropriate play, protection from accidents and environmental dangers, including access to safe water and sanitation facilities

  • preschool and peer interaction, with adequate adult care and supervision, in an environment conducive to learning and to nurturing effective peer relationships

  • timely enrollment and attendance in an appropriate primary school leading to attainment of age-appropriate skills

  • access to basic preventive and curative health and nutrition measures throughout childhood.  

Talk To Your Child About Strengths and Weaknesses
It is important to talk to all children about their weaknesses and while doing so, it is a great time to remind them of their strengths.

Every child is special, with unique combinations of abilities and needs that affect learning. However, they all deserve the opportunity to learn in ways that make the most of their strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses.

Children need us to be patient while they grapple to understand why they can or cannot do like everyone else.


Here are some ideas that you can use.   continue reading  

8 Things to Remember About Child Development

Building on a well-established knowledge base more than half a century in the making, recent advances in the science of early childhood development and its underlying biology provide a deeper understanding that can inform and improve existing policy and practice, as well as help generate new ways of thinking about solutions.


In this important list, featured in the 'From Best Practices to Breakthrough Impacts' report, the Center on the Developing Child sets the record straight about some aspects of early child development.          continue reading

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