Art For Children

Habits And Children
Spitting is an awful habit and one that can be considered a health issue, because it can spread germs.
When children learn to share they also learn empathy and to care about others.
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Treating Others With Respect
Teach your child to:
Tell the truth at all times
Always say sorry when you have done something wrong by accident or something that
causes discomfort or hurt to another person. -
When speaking. address adults by their correct title and look them in the eye. Shake hands properly if the occasion merits such.
be a good sport - applaud and congratulate whether you win or lose
be interested in what others have to say; be a good listener
hold doors open for people
wait patiently in queues; don't push in front
do what you say you will do
offer to help the elderly when they can - carrying bags, helping them to cross the road safely
When traveling in a bus always give up your seat to the elderly, pregnant women or adults with young children.
Respect those less fortunate than they are
Extend a helping hand to persons in need
Be punctual at all times. Being late can often be regarded as disrespectful as it can interfer with another person's schedule or a team's schedule.

Teach them to wash their hands before eating and as often as necessary for good hygiene
"Please"Thank You"
Always say 'please' if you are asking for something and remember to say 'thank you' if someone does something for you. It is good manners to be polite!
Teach your child how to pray

Personal habits
Avoid habits that are unpleasant for others to see. These include - spitting, nose picking, scratching body parts, loud burping, relieving wind, swearing , butting into a conversation.
Be Kind to All Animals
Teach your children to be kind to all animals. They should never throw stones at animals or tease them in any way.
Teach them to feed animals in need or get appropriate help for any animal that might be sick or hurt.
Say 'hello' when you meet someone and say 'goodbye" when you leave them.
When entering a room for the first time where there are adults, teach your child to show respect by saying 'good morning' (or what is appropriate).
Situational awareness is important from a safety perspective as well as a creativity perspective.
Teaching children to take note of their surroundings will reduce their risk of being targeted by criminals.
This can also help them to foster a healthy imagination and appreciation for the beauty of the world around them.
Cleanliness & Tidiness
Children can be messy, but not if they are taught to keep themselves clean.
They need to form the habit of ensuring that their teeth, nails, hair, clothes and shoes are always cleaned.
Just as important, teach them to keep their surroundings clean. They can start by putting away their toys and books, putting their clothes and shoes in the correct places and putting litter into litter bins.
Table Manners
Start your child with good table manners from as young as possible. Teach them to:
Wait until everyone is seated before starting to eat.
Avoid reaching in front of people. Instead ask to have something passed to them.
Use a knife and fork correctly and place them on the plate when finished.
Eat slowly, chewing food
Never lick a knife or plate
Wait for everyone to finish before getting up or ask for an excuse.
To sit properly at the table. Elbows should not be propping on the table and no slouching.