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Wee Pals Montessori Pre-School and Special Services Inc.

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Wee Pals Montessori Pre-School and Special Services Inc.

“The Tudors”, Bartletts Ridge, Christ Church. 

Tel: 232-2990


We would like to welcome you and your child to our Wee Pals family. We do hope that your child will enjoy his/her experience with us and that we can open up the new wonders of learning in a fun, stimulating and home-like environment.

Our aim as a Montessori school is that each child should have the opportunity to learn at his/her true potential and be exposed to the joy of learning through discovery and play. Children are happiest when they are able to discover the world around them and they can do this by the many enriching materials that are found in the Montessori classroom.

The Montessori classroom is based on the philosophy of respect for each other, the environment and the materials which are being used. This respect is introduced first and foremost in how the aunties interact with each other therefore being “models” for the children.
We also introduce specific “ground rules” for our classroom i.e. how we walk, talk, move, carry the chairs and carry the materials, how we treat each other and using good manners are some of these ground rules which our philosophy of respect is based on.

A Montessori school is one where children are free to move about their environment and explore activities geared towards developing certain skills such as fine and gross motor control, co-ordination, independence, self-esteem, patience and care of the environment. Children are able to develop at their own pace and use activities which make learning fun. Everything in the environment is placed on low shelves and each activity has its own special place on the shelf. The tables, chairs and all furniture are at the children’s level. Hence, it is a “children’s place”. 

Montessori is divided into areas – Practical Life, Sensorial, Language skills, Early math and
counting, Cultural, Creative Movement and Craft.

Observation is a major part of the teacher’s role in the classroom, and as such, we are able to pick up on many areas of child development that might be delayed. Early intervention is key when it comes to any delay or challenge. Over the years we have helped children with many physical, emotional and social challenges. We are very open to inviting specialists, therapists and aides where necessary into the school to work along with us, the parents, as well as the children. I also work very closely with speech and language, ABA and occupational therapists who assist us in individual plans for the children. I am a great believer in early detection and intervention so that each child may flourish completely at his/her own potential. I also believe that integration is very important and we have been blessed to welcome children into our environment who have differing abilities.

School fees are paid per term. Fees for this school year are as follows:
7:30 -12:30 - $2200 please note that fees can be paid in two installments.
7:30 -  2:00 - $2450
7:30 -  4:30 - $2600

There is a stationery fee of $500 which is to hold your child’s spot for his/her entire time at Wee Pals. This fee is non-refundable and should be paid upon registration.

Wee Pals opens at 7:30. Children may be dropped off at this time. Please note that school starts for the children as soon as they enter the classroom i.e. Montessori work, social skills and individual lessons are done. Please try not to get to school any later than 8:00. Collection time may begin from 11:40 and ends at 12:30. If you are registered for extended hours you may collect your child any time up to 2:00 for early extended hours pick up, or 4:30 if you are registered for the enrichment program.


  7:30 -  9:30   Montessori presentations, social skills are developed, individual lessons are given, outside guided activities in small
  9:30 - 10:00  Playground time
10:00 - 10:30  Snack
10:30 - 11:00  Clean up and washroom time
11:00 - 11:30   Big circle time
11:30 - 12:00   Art and craft
12:00 - 12:30   Inside fun activities, home time starts. (12:30 latest pick up)
12:30 -   1:00   Nap time for after care kids
  1:00 -   1:30   Lunch
  1:30 -   2:00   Afternoon activity and pick up of children

  2:00 -   Latest collection from Wee Pals if you are not registered for the enrichment program.
  2:00 -  3:00    Enrichment program begins
  3;00 -  3:30    Outside activities/free play on the playground
  3:30 -  4:00    Shelf activities
  4:00 -  4:30    Parents can come to collect their children
  4:30               Wee Pals closes


For further information please call Lisa McFarlane at 232-2990 or e-mail me at

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The Practical Life area in Montessori introduces materials that promote independence, confidence, fine motor control and co-ordination.  the materials include care of the environment and care of self.

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this area is our Individual Interests area.  through careful observation and conversation with the children, we create activities on these shelves that the children have a specific interest in.  From Outer Space to Bugs to Life cycles, each piece of material is carefully created to embrace the child’s natural curiosity.

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Located in the center of our classroom, the Sensorial area introduces the children to shape, size, colour, sound, smell and texture.  The children explore the beautifully created Montessori materials that have been used for centuries to refine the children’s senses.

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The language area in Montessori is where we introduce  early language, thinking skills, concepts such as rhyming and opposites, letter sounds and beginning word building and reading.  children work at their own pace and are able to work either in small groups or individually.

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The Math area in our Montessori classroom introduces math concepts and counting in a very hands on, fun and practical way!

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Our creativity and writing corner.

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The Library Corner

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Out door play

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Our outdoor patio space for small group activities and real world play.
We love this space!

Dress up and Free Painting Fun

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