Art For Children

Volunteering takes up our time, energy, and sometimes, money. It can be hard work. It can find us doing and seeing new things, which can be challenging and even a little scary but there are numerous benefits to volunteering.
Around our island and indeed around the world many people and communities need help and although governments and some corporate organisations try to meet the needs of people, it is really impossible for them to do it all. That is when volunteering is useful.
Volunteers can make a difference where someone or something needs help. If people never help each other and only care about themselves, our island would not be a very nice place to live.
When we volunteer our time, money, or talents, we help make our environment, our schools, communities and our island, happier places to be.
Volunteering is good for YOU. Here are some benefits that you would reap as a volunteer.
Making new friends
Gaining important skills and experience that will help you later in life
Making connections that can lead to a job or career
Seeing more of your community and world
Building confidence and self-esteem
Exploring what you want to do with your life
Feeling needed and important
Feeling satisfaction at getting things done and helping others
Meeting people who could be role models
Using your mind, body, and creativity
Getting active and healthier
Relieving stress
Fighting boredom
Spending time doing what you really care about
Gaining an edge on getting into college
Feeling like you're part of a community
Having fun!
Children Benefit From Volunteering
Volunteering is also one way that families can spend time together and it has tremendous benefits for children. Volunteering as a child has the following benefits:
Enhances development — Volunteering can benefit a child's
psychological, social and intellectual development. -
Volunteering increases self-esteem, responsibility and an interest in learning and helps children develop new social skills. It also provides opportunities to apply newly learned material.
Promotes a healthy lifestyle and choices — Children who volunteer are less likely to become involved in at-risk behaviours.
Teaches social responsibility — Volunteering helps children develop empathy and learn that one person can make a difference.
Creates a lifelong ethic of service — Individuals who volunteer as a child or who observed their parents volunteering have a much higher probability of being a volunteer in their adult years.
Improves the community — Volunteer activities are essential for advancing the common good, and children can be part of the change.
How You Can Volunteer
Check with your child's school for service clubs such as Brownies, Guides, Scouts, Cadets, Environmental Clubs and other service clubs that often do work for the elderly, sick children and the under privilege.
You can also contact organisations such as:
Barbados Cancer Society
Kiwanis (key club)
Rotary Club (Interact Club)
Optimist Club of Barbados