Art For Children

Special Needs Education
Special Needs Education
Special educational needs that affect a child’s ability to learn can include their:
behaviour or ability to socialise, eg not being able to make friends
reading and writing, eg they have dyslexia
ability to understand things
concentration levels, eg they have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
physical needs or impairments
The Special Needs Education Services of the Ministry of Education ensure that provision is made for students experiencing any of the following challenges:
Autism, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech and language impairment, physical impairment, learning difficulties, mental challenges and giftedness.
The Special Needs Education Services focuses on the identification of students for placement through multidisciplinary evaluation. Provision is made for students to be assisted with devices such as hearing aids.
Special Needs Education is addressed in three ways:
1. in the regular classroom,
2. in the special classroom in the regular school
3. in the special unit or special education school.
At present, Special Education services are provided in specially equipped classrooms (Special Units) in eight (8) public primary schools.
The Mentally and Physically Challenged
Albert Cecil Graham Development Centre
Ladymeade Gardens, Jemmotts Lane, St. Mic Tel 427-9514
Ann Hill School
Pine Plantation Road, St. Michael Tel 426-2358
Challenor Creative Arts and Training Centre
Canefield, St. Thomas Tel 438-6967
Sight and hearng Impaired
Irving Wilson School
Pine Plantation Road Tel 429-231
Schools For Children With Special Needs

John Payne School For Excellent Children
Perry Gap, Roebuck Street Tel 622-2038

Sunshine Early Stimulation Centre
Perry Gap, Roebuck Street Telephone 622-2038
Government Schools - Special Unit
All Saints Primary School (Speical Unit)
Pleasant Hall, St. Peter Tel 422-6506
Charles F Broome Primary School (Special Unit)
Government Hill, St. Michael Tel 435-0786
Eagle Hall Primary School (Special Unit)
Eagle Hall, St. Michael Tel 421-7517
Erdiston Primary School (Special Unit)
Erdiston Drive, St. Michael Tel 436-6148
Ellerton Primary School (Special Unit)
Ellerton, St. George Tel 435-1342
St. Matthews Primary School (Special Unit)
Ellerton, St. George Tel 426-0520
Hilda Skeene Primary School (Special Unit)
St. Philip Tel 423-6135
St Stephen's Primary School (Special Unit)
Black Rock, St. Michael Tel 424-3629