Art For Children

Risk Factors Of Youth Violence
Youth violence is a global public health problem. It includes a range of acts from bullying and physical fighting, to more severe sexual and physical assault to homicide.
Youth violence increases the costs of health, welfare and criminal justice services; reduces productivity and decreases the value of property but what causes youth violence.
Discovering and documenting the root causes of crime and violence has been a primary objective of crime scholars for over a hundred years.

It is widely believed that if we can only identify the cause or causes of criminality, we will be better able to prevent violence in the first place. A number of academic disciplines – including anthropology, biology, criminology, psychiatry, psychology, social work, and sociology, have developed specific theories to explain the onset and persistence of violent behaviour.
Some of these theories focus on how individual propensities, including biological and psychological disorders, increase the probability of violence. At the other end of the spectrum, structural theories propose that variables like poverty, oppression, social inequality and racism must be considered in any explanation of violent behaviour.
Still others maintain that the source of violence lies in family dynamics, neighbourhood characteristics or peer socialization processes. It is quite difficult to negotiate and organize the plethora of ideas, hypotheses and empirical findings that mark the study of crime and violence.
What we do however know is that there are several factors that contribute to violence in youth and they include a combination of individual, relationship, community, and societal factors.
Individual Risk Factors
History of violent victimization
Attention deficits, hyperactivity, or learning disorders
History of early aggressive behaviour
Involvement with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco
Low IQ
Poor behavioral control
Deficits in social cognitive or information-processing abilities
High emotional distress
History of treatment for emotional problems
Antisocial beliefs and attitudes
Exposure to violence and conflict in the family
Family Risk Factors
Authoritarian childrearing attitudes
Harsh, lax, or inconsistent disciplinary practices
Low parental involvement
Low emotional attachment to parents or caregivers
Low parental education and income
Parental substance abuse or criminality
Poor family functioning - domestic violence
Poor monitoring and supervision of children
Peer and Social Risk Factors
Association with delinquent peers Involvement in gangs
Social rejection by peers
Lack of involvement in conventional activities
Poor academic performance
Low commitment to school and school failure
Community Risk Factors
Diminished economic opportunities
High concentrations of poor residents
High level of transiency
High level of family disruption
Low levels of community participation
Socially disorganized neighborhoods