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Helping Your School-Age Child With Literacy Development

You can prepare your child for reading and writing tasks at school by giving her lots of opportunities to experience language and print in all its forms.


If you think your child is having difficulties, try the following:


  • Check with her teacher about progress, and work on a support plan together. The earlier you and the teacher step in to help your child, the better she’ll progress in the long term.


  • Give your child lots of encouragement for trying, even if he repeatedly makes similar errors.


  • Make sure your child is ready to learn by being organised in the morning. It will help her to have set routines and quiet times to do her reading.


  • Schedule times to read with your child. You can alternate between your child reading to you and you reading to your child. If he’s struggling, this will help him avoid too much frustration.


  • Use everyday opportunities for reading and writing. For example, read street and shop signs, menus, prices and labels at the supermarket. You could also write an email, letter or a text message to a friend. This shows your child how useful reading and writing are.


If you have concerns about your child’s progress, speak to your child’s classroom teacher.


If you’re still concerned about your child’s progress, talk to the teacher, school counsellor or GP about seeking more advice from an educational psychologist or literacy specialist

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