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Reading And Writing Challenges
Just recently, I heard about a thirty-six year old father who disclosed to his friends that he could not read or write.
Unfortunately this dad has a young daughter who now attends secondary school and although she recently passed through our primary school system and wrote the Common Entrance Exam (CEE), she too cannot read or write in second form at secondary school.
As the dad tries to learn to read and write he is finding it very hard to find help unless he has the available funds for private help.
While his daughter goes to extra lessons to help with her failing grades at school, she is not receiving the assistance that she needs to help with her reading and writing challenges.
This case is not unique in Barbados and the results in the annual (CEE) which shows several children falling below acceptable grades in Mathematics and English, might be a good indicator that there is a need for assistance for children who canno read and write.
To help such children, there is also the need to help the parents of these children and these services must be avaialbe free of cost.
The availabilty of such services to those who need it should be a part of education reform in Barbados and every effort should be made to ensure that all families regardless of their status be given a chance to read and write.
Alternatively, we need a special private fund to assist families with these challenges or even a list of persons who would be iinterested in helping a family who cannot afford the cosst of learning to read and write.

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