Art For Children
A resource guide for parents packed with information you need!
'Back To School'
A new school year is a new opportunity and children need to be ready to tacke the challenges of yet another school year.
Hereis some information that you would need to get children ready.
Immunisation - Click here for more information
General health and mental health checks should be done prior to the beginning of school with the necessary follow up visits. Click here for Medical professionals.
Dental checks including dental cleaning is a must for children and getting them done before returning to school is smart.
Eye checks - here is the information your need.
If your child shows signs with difficulty of speech and matters relating to speech you might want to see a Speech and Language Therapist.
Social, Emotional, and Behavioural Support - You can get help through a psychologist or a counsillor or the Child Guidance Clinic at the Branford Taitt Polyclinic in Black Rock
Transportation - Don't wait until your child is ready to go through the door to think about school transportation, organise it early.
Immunisation Schedule
Age Vaccine
2 months 1st D.P.T., Hep. B, Hib, Polio,
4 months 2nd D.P.T.,Hep. B, Hib, Polio,
6 months 3rd D.P.T., Hep. B, Hib, Polio,
12Months B.C.G for children at risk
12 months 1st M.M.R. & Chicken Pox
18 months 1st Booster D.P.T., Polio & 2nd MMR
4 1/2 years 2nd Booster D.P.T. & Polio
10 - 11+yrs 3rd Booster D.T., Polio & HPV