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Government Secondary School

Government Secondary Schools in Christ Church
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School:     Christ Church Foundation School
Principal:   Mr. David McCarthy
Address:   Church Hill, Christ Church
Tel            246-535-0725

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School:      Deighton Griffith School

Principal:   Major Michael Boyce

Address:   Kingsland, Christ Church

Tel             246-420-9651

Government Secondary Schools in St. Andrew    

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School       Alleyne School
Principal    Ms. Julia Beckles
Address     Trents, St. Andrew
Tel             246-

Government Secondary Schools in St. George

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School:        St George Secondary School

Principal:     Mr. Dennis Browne

Address:      Constant, St. George

Tel:              246-535-6060

Government Secondary Schools in St. James

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School:       Frederick Smith Secondary 

Principal:    Mr. Stephen Jackman

Address:    Trents, St. James

Telephone:  246-432-1938

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School:      Queen's College

Principal:    Dr. David Browne

Address:    Husbands, St. James

Tel:             246-424-9960

Government Secondary Schools in St. John

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School:   The Lodge School
Principal  Mr. Robin Douglas (Ag.)
Address  Society, St. John
Tel:          246-423-0054

Government Secondary Schools in St. Joseph

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School      Grantley Adams Memorial School
Principal   Major Andrew Skeete

Address    Blackmans, St. Joseph

Tel            236-433-1324

Government Secondary Schools in St. Lucy

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School:    Daryl Jordan Secondary School
Principal: Ms Cheryl Gill
Address:  Nesfield, St. Lucy
Tel:           246-

Government Secondary Schools in St. Michael
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School:      Combermere School
Principal:   Mr. Joesph Maynard
Address:    Waterford, St. Michael
Tel:             246-429-2822

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School:      Ellerslie Secondary School
Principal:   Lt Col Errol Brathwaite
Address:    Black Rock, St. Michael
Tel:             246-5356100

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School:     Graydon Sealy Secondary School
Principal:   Ms. Beverley Brancroft
Address:   Paddock Road, St. Michael
Tel:            (246) 535-9261

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School:     Harrison College 
Principal:  Mrs. Juasnita Wade
Address:   Crumpton Street, Bridgetown
Tel:            246-367-8080

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School:     Parkinson Memorial School
Principal:   Mr. Ian Holder
Address:   The Pine, St. Michael
Tel:            (246) 367-8100

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School:     Springer Memorial School
Principal:   Mrs. Mitchelle Maxwell
Address:    Government Hill, St. Michael
Tel::            246-429-2531 

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School:    St. Leonard's Boys School

Principal:  Mr. Stephen Scott

Address:   Richmond Gap, St. Michael

Tel:            246-427-2552

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School:    The St. Michael School

Principal:  Dr. Yvette Mayers

Address:   Martindales Road, St. Michael

Tel:            246-426-3116

Government Secondary Schools in St. Peter


School:       Alexandra School
Principal:    Orson Alleyne
Address:     Queen Street, Speightstown

Telephone:  246-535-0725


School:       Coleridge & Parry School
Principal:    Mrs. Sonja Goodridge  
Address:     Ashton Hall, St. Peter
Telephone: 246-535-0725

Government Secondary Schools in St. Philip

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School:       Princess Margaret Secondary 
Principal:    Mr. Jonathan Corbin
Address::   Six Roads, St. Philip
Tel:             246-4

Government Secondary Schools in St. Thomas   

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School:   Lester Vaughn Memorial School
Principal: Mr. Anthony Alleyne 
Address:  Cane Garden, St. Thomas
Tel:          246-

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